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Honoree First NameHonoree Last NameDonor First NameDonor Last NameInscriptionSideBrick SectionRowBrick #PhotoLink
Rita Shortill Vicki Deal-Williams Ellen loves her mom Rita Shortill Left D 4 35
Teddi Simonds Elaine Lauterborn Living On In Our Hearts Teddi Simonds Left B 4 5
Marlene Skorupski In Memory of Marlene Skorupski Left E 8 17
John & Agnes Smaha Jacqueline Callan In Memory of John & Agnes Smaha Left D 2 8
Susan Smith Phyllis MacKay Susan Smith Grace and Love A Gentle Heart Left D 3 5
Clint Smith Lori O'Brien Clint Smith Deputy Reeve Midland, Ont. Right D 5 23
Agatha Smith Lori O'Brien Agatha Smith District DPTY Eastern Star Right D 5 24
Vincent Spinale Marcia Spinale Loving Memory Vincent Spinale Right B 2 19
Vinny Spinale Marcia Spinale Thanks for the great care given to Vinny Right C 4 17
Patty Spooner Troy Brock Loving Memory Patty Spooner 5-17-61/6-13-18 Right C 4 1
Rachel Calandriello Sportum Elaine Case Rachel Calandriello Sportum Left C 3 4
Viola Staples Fran Chickering Viola Staples Best Grammie! 1911 - 1993 Right D 3 25
William States Loving Memory William L States Left E 8 11
Bessie Stevens Loving Sister Bessie B Paras Stevens Left E 15 8
M Dean Stimpson Loving Memory M Dean Stimpson Left E 6 15
Chuck Straw Loving Memory Chuck Straw Jan 31 2019 Right C 4 19
Leonard Strong Dad, Love, Family Leonard Strong Right A 2 1
Marita Sullivan Maura Sullivan Loving Memory _ Marita Sullivan _ Jan 7, 2017 Left C 2 1
Jamie Tanguay A Friend In Memory of Jamie Tanguay Right B 3 15
Gary Temple In Loving Memory Gary Temple Right C 3 21